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L.O.V.E. :: Laws of Vanity
(I couldn't think of what the E would stand for, but I figure it's my page so I can call it what I want.)
Vanity is my alter ego. She's more open than Archel. If Vanity authored a constitution, these would be the laws, breaking any of these can result in living a less fabulous life.

  • A real man knows a woman is a top investment and reflection of his principles, morals and goals. And being a real man and a grown man are two different things. Real men understand what im saying, grown men might not.
  • Loyalty is Chief. It's the only currency we accept.
  • Some men are just bullshitters. They can't help it. Been that way too long to change.
  • Clothes are so much better on the floor.
  • Love isn't what hurts, its that other shit that comes with it when people don't fully believe in its power.
  • Never throw away a black dress. I guarantee you'll find another way to wear it.
  • When you live LOVE you don't have to find it. 
  • When loyalty runs through your veins, expect to be disappointed. It's not a common chromosome.
  • Leave EVERYONE missing you. An overstayed welcome is your own blues.
  • There's no shame in drinking water in a wine glass. It's the effortlessly chic life that separates you from the fake.
  • Shamelessly let the most expensive meal a man eats be pussy.